dbGaP Study Accession: phs003377
NIH Institute/Center: NIMHD
RADx Data Program: RADx-UP
Release Date: 07/31/2024
DOI: 10.60773/554r-hn06
Study Description: Community health workers (CHWs) played an essential role in addressing multi-level, community barriers to accessing COVID-19 information, testing, risk mitigation, and vaccination; however, little is known about how CHWs managed their roles in light of enormous social, community, and political challenges. In May 2020, the Orange County Health Equity COVID-19 Community- Academic Partnership formed with community-based health equity leaders and health equity academic partners to elevate the need for and guide local COVID-19 equity response and recovery initiatives. Equitable recovery must address larger civic engagement needs, and CHWs were essential to navigating rising anti-immigrant attitudes, and promoting civic engagement for census complete count and elections turnout in addition to COVID-19 education and chronic disease management.
Updated Date: 01/09/2024
Principal Investigator: Lebron, Alana
Has Data Files: No
Study Domain: Community Outreach Programs
Data Collection Method: Interview or Focus Group; Survey
Keywords: Community Health Workers; Healthcare Workers; Improving Access to COVID Information and Interventions; Individual-Level Data
Study Design: Cross-Sectional
Multi-Center Study: No
Data Types: Questionnaire or Survey
Study Start Date: 01/01/2022
Study End Date: 11/30/2023
Species: Human Data
Estimated Cohort Size: 400
Study Population Focus: Adults; Essential Workers; Older Adults or Elderly; Underserved or Vulnerable Populations
Acknowledgement Statement: This study was supported through funding, 5U01MD017433-02, for the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) as part of the RADx-UP program. The investigators are grateful to the project staff and students, our community partners, and the participants who shared their perspectives and experiences and who are committed to community health and health equity. Approved users should acknowledge the provision of data access by dbGaP for accession phs003377.v1.p1, and the NIH RADx Data Hub. Approved users should also acknowledge the specific version(s) of the dataset(s) obtained from the NIH RADx Data Hub.
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: RFA-OD-21-009
NIH Grant or Contract Number(s): 5U01MD017433-02
Consent/Data Use Limitations: General Research Use