Study Information

dbGaP Study Accession: phs002821

NIH Institute/Center: NIDA

RADx Data Program: RADx-UP

Release Date: 08/30/2023

DOI: 10.60773/w25v-9n49

Study Description: The project aimed to increase access and uptake of COVID-19 testing and vaccination among people who inject drugs (PWID), a population highly vulnerable to COVID-19. This RADx-UP project, LinkUP, was nested within the San Diego component of the parent grant, La Frontera, which was funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in April, 2020. To date, 31% of La Frontera PWID have tested SARS-CoV-2 antibody+, of whom 65% had not previously been tested for COVID-19. Only 3% had been vaccinated by May, 2021, and 45% were vaccine hesitant. The specific aims were: AIM1: To prospectively evaluate the prevalence, predictors and barriers to COVID-19 testing among PWID. AIM2: To prospectively assess incidence, predictors, and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination among PWID. AIM3: To adapt and pilot an intervention offered at a mobile syringe services program (SSP) to improve uptake of COVID-19 testing and vaccination among PWID. AIM4: To compare COVID testing and vaccination rates before and after the state introduces a) COVID-19 rapid testing, and b) COVID-19 vaccination at the SSP, which represents a natural experiment. AIM5: To prospectively assess the impact of COVID-19 testing and vaccination on PWID's behaviors. To meet Aims 1 and 2, interviews were conducted with 400 PWID in La Frontera. Results were made available in Fall 2021. Based on these findings and input from the Community and Scientific Advisor Board (CASB), the study selected and adapted a brief intervention to improve COVID-19 testing and vaccination uptake among PWID at the mobile van of the community partner, OnPoint. The OnPoint peer counselors also offered on-site rapid COVID-19 antigen testing and confirmatory PCR and referrals to the closest COVID-19 vaccination center until vaccine was offered at OnPoint by the state. The study evaluated COVID-19 vaccine update independently through ongoing La Frontera study visits, that included self-reported interview data and linage of electronic health records with the San Diego County COVID-19 database, by analyzing SARS-CoV-2 antibody patterns to differentiate between natural infection and vaccine-induced immunity. Results were used to estimate effect sizes for a future efficacy trial and shared with the RADx-UP consortium, policymakers, and program planners. Since there are 185 SSPs across the country, the study informed efforts to enable SSPs to become important 'touchpoint' to reach marginalized PWID, strengthening the nation's pandemic preparedness infrastructure to reduce COVID-19 health disparities.

Updated Date: 04/17/2024

Principal Investigator: Strathdee, Steffanie A

Has Data Files: Yes

Study Domain: Health Behaviors; Substance Use

Data Collection Method: Survey

Study Design: Longitudinal Cohort

Multi-Center Study: Yes

Study Sites: Harm Reduction Coalition San Diego - Onpoint

Data Types: Behavioral; Clinical; Psychological; Questionnaire or Survey; Social

Study Start Date: 09/09/2021

Study End Date: 08/31/2023

Species: Human Data

Estimated Cohort Size: 400

Study Population Focus: Adults; Hispanics or Latinos; Older Adults or Elderly; People Living with HIV/AIDS; Underserved or Vulnerable Populations

Publication URL:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Acknowledgement Statement: This study was supported through funding, 5R01DA049644-04, for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as part of the RADx-UP program. Approved users should acknowledge the provision of data access by dbGaP for accession phs002821.v1.p1, and the NIH RADx Data Hub. Approved users should also acknowledge the specific version(s) of the dataset(s) obtained from the NIH RADx Data Hub.

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: PA-18-773

NIH Grant or Contract Number(s): 5R01DA049644-04

Consent/Data Use Limitations: General Research Use

Study Documents
Study Documents Table
Document Name
File Size
Study Documentationphs002821_Project S1_Protocol.pdf484.82 KB
READMEprojectS1_README.html274.69 KB
Data Files
Total Files: 6
Data Files: 2
Metadata Files: 2
Dictionary Files: 2
Study Datasets Table
File Name
File Type
File Format(s)
# of Records
# of Variables
projectS1_DATA_origcopy.csvTabular Data - Non-harmonizedcsv447
projectS1_DATA_transformcopy.csvTabular Data - Harmonizedcsv447