Upcoming Events

Join Us for Office Hours on April 8! | 04/08/2025, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 12:00- 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on May 13! | 05/13/2025, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, May 13, 2025 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.

Past Events

Join Us for Office Hours on March 11! | 03/11/2025, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on February 11! | 02/11/2025, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 12:00- 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on January 14! | 01/14/2025, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on December 10! | 12/10/2024, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 12:00- 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on November 12! | 11/12/2024, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on October 22! | 10/22/2024, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 12:00- 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on October 8! | 10/08/2024, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours on September 24! | 09/24/2024, 12:00 PM ET

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 12:00- 1:00 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Join Us for Office Hours! | 09/10/2024, 3:30 PM ET

On Tuesday, September 10, 2024 from 3:30- 4:30 PM (EST), the NIH RADx Data Hub Partners will host the first office hours for the newly upgraded RADx Data Hub.

Connect live with RADx Data Hub developers to get hands-on support navigating the Hub and exploring all it has to offer.

Learn more about office hours

Do you have any specific questions or comments for the RADx Data Hub team?
Optional registration allows you to share your questions with us in advance so we can ensure an appropriate Subject Matter Expert is in attendance.
Webinar - What’s in the RADx Data Hub? Explore one of the largest NIH COVID data collections available to researchers | 06/25/2024, 12:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub relaunched with an entirely new look and feel and exciting new analysis features. Join us for a presentation on the NIH RADx® Initiative programs and the data they made accessible via the RADx Data Hub. We will also provide an overview of RADx data access requests.

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest NIH COVID data collections available to researchers, allowing them to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed from over 150 studies through NIH RADx Initiative programs. RADx research includes understanding COVID-19 and factors associated with COVID-19 morbidity and mortality disparities in underserved and vulnerable populations, improving existing and generating novel testing technologies, and digital health solutions.

In this presentation, RADx Initiative program representatives will highlight their program’s unique research methods and data. Presenters will discuss their progam’s challenges, illustrate their diverse research landscapes, and overview impactful studies. RADx Data Hub Partners will then provide an overview of RADx data access requests for secondary analysis.RADx program representatives and RADx Data Hub developers will be available for a live Question and Answer session, and a recording of the event will be sent to all registrants.
Webinar - Analyzing Data in the New RADx Data Hub | 05/14/2024, 12:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub will launch an entirely new look and feel, along with exciting new analysis features, in Spring 2024. This April and May, the NIH Data Hub Partners will showcase what users can expect in the RADx Data Hub upgrade, as well as share brief information about a funding opportunity related to secondary analysis in the Data Hub (NOT-OD-24-026).

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers. It allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives.

In this live demo on May 14, developers of the RADx Data Hub will showcase how researchers can analyze both public data and their own approved data through the improved Data Hub Workbench. They will also overview access to analysis tools such as Jupyter notebooks, R, Python, and SAS Vyia, among others.

RADx Data Hub developers will be available for a live Question and Answer session, and a recording of the event will be sent to anyone who registers. Note that this is Part 2 of a two-part webinar series – the first was held in April.
Webinar - Discovering and Accessing Data in the New RADx Data Hub | 04/09/2024, 12:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub will launch an entirely new look and feel, along with exciting new analysis features, in Spring 2024. This April and May, the NIH Data Hub Partners will showcase what users can expect in the RADx Data Hub upgrade, as well as share brief information about a funding opportunity related to secondary analysis in the Data Hub (NOT-OD-24-026).

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers. It allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives.

In this live demo on April 9, developers of the RADx Data Hub will showcase new functionality that streamlines the process of searching for data and important information about that data. Presenters will also overview how to gain permissions to access data within the RADx Data Hub and review the first steps researchers can take once data access approval is obtained.

RADx Data Hub developers will be available for a live Question and Answer session, and a recording of the event will be sent to anyone who registers. Note that this is Part 1 of a two-part webinar series, the second of which will take place in May.
Webinar - COVID-19 Data and Social Determinants of Health in the RADx Data Hub | 01/23/2024, 11:00 AM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers. This resource offers those studying Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) an unprecedented opportunity to explore how COVID-19 disproportionately impacted certain populations. Secondary analysis of the available data can help researchers further evaluate the impact of COVID-19 and inform policies and interventions aimed at improving health equity and overall well-being. In this webinar, the RADx Data Hub team will highlight RADx studies that have captured metrics directly implicated in SDoH such as healthcare utilization, mental health, socioeconomic status, community conditions, social and support networks, environmental exposures, employment and work, and health outcomes. These data reflect a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including direct measures, surveys, observational studies, and statistical analyses.

Additionally, a panel of researchers who have used RADx data for SDoH research will overview their studies, recent findings, and potentially interesting future avenues of research. The webinar will include an open Question and Answer session.
Webinar - Expediting RADx Data Hub Exploration through Synthetic Datasets | 10/24/2023, 11:00 AM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording .

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers. It allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives

Importantly, data submitted to the RADx Data Hub are controlled-access, which protects patient privacy. This feature does mean that users new to the Data Hub need a way to discover the usability, features, and capabilities available to them after requesting access to datasets. Synthetic datasets provide realistic, but non-protected, functional data allowing new users to learn to use Data Hub aggregation, analysis, and support functions.

In this webinar, the RADx Data Hub Partners will provide an overview of a synthetic dataset available in the RADx Data Hub. Synthetic datasets allow researchers to test their applications and avoid accessibility issues. This synthetic data can also be used to assess and quantify research results and improve research reproducibility because the data can readily be shared with other researchers or third parties to verify models and analysis strategies.
Webinar - Making Datasets Findable and Accessible Using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), Compact URIs (CURIEs), and Other Identifiers | 08/15/2023, 3:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives. Clearly identifiable and easily findable data is crucial for making data reusable in systems like the RADx Data Hub.

Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are alphanumeric strings assigned by the International DOI Foundation to “identify content and provide a persistent link to its location” on the net. Compact uniform resource identifiers (CURIEs) are used for referencing biomedical entities. Open Researcher and Contributor IDs (ORCIDs) are used to assign unique identifiers to individual researchers. These and other identifiers allow an electronic object or associated entity to be uniquely identified, and can be used to make a wide variety of entities - such as scientific publications, citations, datasets, and others - more easily findable and accessible by all.

In this webinar, RADx Data Hub Partners and guest presenters will provide an overview of various identifiers; share specific examples of how data submitters can use identifiers to prepare their data to be found in the RADx Data Hub (as well as similar systems) and made interoperable across systems; and showcase a specific example of how one RADx Data Coordinating Center is already using identifiers to make their data more findable and accessible.

There will be an open Question and Answer session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to registrants.
RADx (C)DCC Quarterly Meeting | 05/30/2023, 1:30 PM ET

The RADx Data Hub Partners and the RADx Coordination and Data Collection Centers meet quarterly to discuss progress and development milestones key to the RADx Data Hub.
Webinar - Privacy Protection: De-identifying Human Subject Data | 05/16/2023, 12:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The NIH RADx Data Hub is one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers. It allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives.

Join the RADx Data Hub Partners for a presentation focused on de-identification of data. The presentation will include a discussion of methods to ensure privacy for human subject data. There will be an open Q&A session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to registered attendees.
Webinar - Increasing the Value of RADx Data with Metadata | 03/16/2023, 3:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The RADx Data Hub represents one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers and allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives.

Join the RADx Data Hub Partners for a presentation of metadata in the RADx Data Hub. The presentation will include a discussion of methods to create data models, data harmonization strategies, and FAIR best practices. There will be an open Q&A session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to registered attendees.
RADx (C)DCC Quarterly Meeting | 02/07/2023, 1:30 PM ET

The RADx Data Hub Partners and the RADx Coordination and Data Collection Centers meet quarterly to discuss progress and development milestones key to the RADx Data Hub.
RADx Data Hub Tour | 01/23/2023, 2:00 PM ET

View the webinar slides and webinar recording.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics Data Hub (RADx® Data Hub) cloud-enabled platform is now open to researchers. The RADx Data Hub represents one of the largest collections of NIH COVID data available to researchers that allows researchers to explore, access, and analyze COVID-related data developed through NIH RADx program initiatives. In December, NIH released two new Notices of Special Interest (NOT-OD-23-040 and NOT-OD-23-041) that support scientific inquiry using existing data resources in the RADx Data Hub.
On January 23, 2023 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern Time, researchers are invited to tour the RADx Data Hub. This tour will feature an overview of the RADx Data Hub program and its portfolio, a demonstration of RADx Data Hub capabilities, and an open question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to those who register for it.
RADx Listening Session | 11/03/2022, 11:00 AM ET

The NIH RADx Data Hub Program hosted a four-hour Listening Session on November 3, 2022 that included representation from all RADx programs. The Listening Session provided an opportunity for sharing information and bi-directional listening about the upcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, the RADx
Initiative, RADx common data elements (CDEs) and their harmonization, and data sharing.
This downloadable report provides an extensive summary of the Listening Session.
RADx (C)DCC Quarterly Meeting | 08/25/2022, 3:00 PM ET

The RADx Data Hub Partners and the RADx Coordination and Data Collection Centers meet quarterly to discuss progress and development milestones key to the RADx Data Hub.
RADx (C)DCC Quarterly Meeting | 05/26/2022, 3:00 PM ET

The RADx Data Hub Partners (DHP) are working together with the RADx Coordination and Data Collection Centers (C)DCCs to create and implement structures that achieve the RADx Data Hub vision - creating a single access point to de-identified COVID-19 RADx and related research data, algorithms, and other capabilities generated by various digital health solutions and technologies for researchers. This quarterly meeting will offer an opportunity for RADx (C)DCCs to share needs, questions, and concerns about data submission timelines and requirements. The RADx DHP will also provide RADx Data Hub updates, an overview of the development timeline, data submission expectations, and key considerations
RADx (C)DCC Kick-off Meeting | 02/17/2022, 3:00 PM ET

The purpose of this meeting is to kick off the RADx Data Hub under the direction of a new team, the RADx Data Hub Partners (RADx DHP), allowing this new team and the RADx (C)DCCs to get to know one another and begin building community. This meeting will include formal introductions of the RADx DHP and RADx program (C)DCCs, a RADx program status update from the NIH perspective, and an overview of RADx DHP visions and goals.